Tuesday, 3 February 2015

And so.,...Griff's party began!

Let's get this party started... and so it began... Griff was very excited.  Loopy Lou the entertainer had arrived and his friends were also beginning to show up! In his excitement Griff somehow managed to pretty much forget all of life's normal rules, all the do's and don'ts that his mum and dad had been teaching him i.e. being calm....walking not running, .not causing too much damage to things around you and taking care not to break things.  The more friends that kept arriving carrying shiny, coloured, parcels and great big, bouncy balloons, the more excited Griff became, he just couldn't control himself!  He was now running around at full pelt, here there and everywhere, darting about the cottage from room to room.  Loopy Lou glanced towards him at one point - whilst she was setting up her props for the cool magic show, - she burst out a huge fit of laughter!  Griff had run directly towards the party food table and ended up toppling over and sliding along on his bottom, on the shiny, wooden floor.  Griff came to an abrupt holt at the table.  Due to a quick reflex action, he grabbed hold of the red and black Mickey Mouse table cloth (that his mum had arranged so beautifully), this quick action managed to stop him in his tracks but he pulled the table cloth right off and it slid down and straight over his head, covering his face completely, then a plastic bowl full of orange jelly, landed splat right in the middle of Griff's head, this really was like some comedy sketch Loopy Lou thought to herself! Loopy Lou couldn't help seeing the funny side but Griff's mum was not nearly as amused by Griff's actions...